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Version: 2.19


This section aids you in finding problems when working with Constellation.

Common issues

Issues with creating new clusters

When you create a new cluster, you should always use the latest release. If something doesn't work, check out the known issues.

Azure: Resource Providers can't be registered

On Azure, you may receive the following error when running apply or terminate with limited IAM permissions:

Error: Error ensuring Resource Providers are registered.

Terraform automatically attempts to register the Resource Providers it supports to
ensure it's able to provision resources.

If you don't have permission to register Resource Providers you may wish to use the
"skip_provider_registration" flag in the Provider block to disable this functionality.


To continue, please ensure that the required resource providers have been registered in your subscription by your administrator.

Afterward, set ARM_SKIP_PROVIDER_REGISTRATION=true as an environment variable and either run apply or terminate again. For example:

ARM_SKIP_PROVIDER_REGISTRATION=true constellation apply

Or alternatively, for terminate:

ARM_SKIP_PROVIDER_REGISTRATION=true constellation terminate

Azure: Can't update attestation policy

On Azure, you may receive the following error when running apply from within an Azure environment, e.g., an Azure VM:

An error occurred: patching policies: updating attestation policy: unexpected status code: 403 Forbidden

The problem occurs because the Azure SDK we use internally attempts to authenticate towards the Azure API with the managed identity of your current environment instead of the Azure CLI token.

We decided not to deviate from this behavior and comply with the ordering of credentials.

A solution is to add the required permissions to the managed identity of your environment. For example, the managed identity of your Azure VM, instead of the account that you've authenticated with in the Azure CLI.

If your setup requires a change in the ordering of credentials, please open an issue and explain your desired behavior.

Nodes fail to join with error untrusted measurement value

This error indicates that a node's attestation statement contains measurements that don't match the trusted values expected by the JoinService. This may for example happen if the cloud provider updates the VM's firmware such that it influences the runtime measurements in an unforeseen way. A failed upgrade due to an erroneous attestation config can also cause this error. You can change the expected measurements to resolve the failure.


Attestation and trusted measurements are crucial for the security of your cluster. Be extra careful when manually changing these settings. When in doubt, check if the encountered issue is known or contact support.


During an upgrade with modified attestation config, a backup of the current configuration is stored in the join-config config map in the kube-system namespace under the attestationConfig_backup key. To restore the old attestation config after a failed upgrade, replace the value of attestationConfig with the value from attestationConfig_backup:

kubectl patch configmaps -n kube-system join-config -p "{\"data\":{\"attestationConfig\":\"$(kubectl get configmaps -n kube-system join-config -o "jsonpath={.data.attestationConfig_backup}")\"}}"

You can use the apply command to change measurements of a running cluster:

  1. Modify the measurements key in your local constellation-conf.yaml to the expected values.
  2. Run constellation apply.

Keep in mind that running apply also applies any version changes from your config to the cluster.

You can run these commands to learn about the versions currently configured in the cluster:

  • Kubernetes API server version: kubectl get nodeversion constellation-version -o json -n kube-system | jq .spec.kubernetesClusterVersion
  • image version: kubectl get nodeversion constellation-version -o json -n kube-system | jq .spec.imageVersion
  • microservices versions: helm list --filter 'constellation-services' -n kube-system

Upgrading Kubernetes resources fails

Constellation manages its Kubernetes resources using Helm. When applying an upgrade, the charts that are about to be installed, and a values override file overrides.yaml, are saved to disk in your current workspace under constellation-upgrade/upgrade-<timestamp>/helm-charts/. If upgrading the charts using the Constellation CLI fails, you can review these charts and try to manually apply the upgrade.


Changing and manually applying the charts may destroy cluster resources and can lead to broken Constellation deployments. Proceed with caution and when in doubt, check if the encountered issue is known or contact support.

Diagnosing issues


To get started on diagnosing issues with Constellation, it's often helpful to collect logs from nodes, pods, or other resources in the cluster. Most logs are available through Kubernetes' standard logging interfaces.

To debug issues occurring at boot time of the nodes, you can use the serial console interface of the CSP while the machine boots to get a read-only view of the boot logs.

Apart from that, Constellation also offers further observability integrations.

Node shell access

Debugging via a shell on a node is directly supported by Kubernetes.

  1. Figure out which node to connect to:

    kubectl get nodes
    # or to see more information, such as IPs:
    kubectl get nodes -o wide
  2. Connect to the node:

    kubectl debug node/constell-worker-xksa0-000000 -it --image=busybox

    You will be presented with a prompt.

    The nodes file system is mounted at /host.

  3. Once finished, clean up the debug pod:

    kubectl delete pod node-debugger-constell-worker-xksa0-000000-bjthj